Are You Stuck? 7 Suggestions to help you.

It is an uncomfortable feeling. You are unfocused and have low energy.
Ironically, being stuck is often just the level of discomfort you need to turn your attention and energy to achieving your goals.
The problem is HOW to become “unstuck” and get going! Small, incremental changes in attitude and activity will yield surprising results.
Here are 7 suggestions to help you that I use in my coaching and mentoring process:
- Decide where you want to go. Write 2 or 3 lines about what you want to accomplish.
- Every day, share your goal. Tell someone every day, what your goal is. Not only will you get some help, you will also reconnect it to yourself.
- Take time, don’t make time. Make the time to do this; change the structure of your calendar, your day, the way you do things.
- Change your context to one of success. Are you mentally relaxed to do your work? Do you associate with people you find interesting? When you change your context, you change the negative influence of people and environments that sap you of your energy and confidence.
- Understand what you need to know and who you need to talk to.
- Be open to ideas and advice. Alternative viewpoints can be very helpful. Consider facts and ideas difference from your beliefs.
- Make 5 requests each week. Ask someone to share a perspective with you, make a connection for you, give you uninterrupted time. Get in the habit of working in concert with other people to achieve your goals.
Try it! You’ll like it!
What have you done to get “unstuck”?