How’s This Work

Partnering for Performance uses a coaching model that is a blend of emotional intelligence, leadership competencies, progressive leadership, messaging and style recognition. Jacquie uses a collaborative approach to ensure that feedback can be given and received.

How to Get the Most from Coaching:

Give yourself an imperative to benefit significantly from our coaching sessions as well as from the time in between. Outlined below are some of the things that you can do to maximize the value of your coaching experience.

1. Focus on What You Really Want

Coaching works best when you establish clear goals that are based on what you truly want to achieve. Firstly, it is important for you to meditate on and define what you want your work and your life to look like. Secondly, it is important to identify the gaps between the way things are now and how you would like them to be.

2. Understand that You Will Evolve

You will grow and develop by working with an empathic and professional coach. Most clients take on a coach to work on specific goals so much of their time and energy is directed towards this. However, the coaching relationship may also allow you to discover something deeper about yourself. Merely a natural consequence of the coaching process, you do not need to concentrate on it, but to just recognize that it is likely to occur. Hallmarks of effective coaching include accelerated personal and professional growth.

3. Increase Your Willingness to Step Up

Part of my responsibility centers on asking a lot of you. This is not meant to exhaust you or extend you beyond your bounds, but to simply ask more of you than perhaps you have asked of yourself. Be willing to experiment with fresh approaches and try new beliefs. I will encourage you to be honest with yourself, raise your personal standards and set higher goals. However, you are the best judge of what is right for you. Even so, the more you are willing to grow and develop, the greater will be the benefits from coaching.

4. Come Prepared to Each Coaching Session

To get the most value out of each coaching session, you may prepare an agenda for each one. Preparing your agenda does not have to be time-consuming, but experience shows that if you spend 10-15 minutes preparing, it has a significant impact on our session together. If we talk by phone for our session, you could email an agenda in advance.

5. Complete Your Homework

Following each session, you will decide on the actions or goals you want to focus on. I expect you to keep the commitments you make and will work with you to make sure that you are setting worthwhile, realistic and achievable goals. If you know that you have a busy week or two ahead, your homework might be as simple as thinking about a new perspective. If you have more time, you might decide to handle a bigger task. Nevertheless, I will hold you accountable and encourage you to do your best.

two business people collaborating with a planning chart and sticky notes

What is Business Coaching?

let me explain a bit about what coaching is and is not

Taking notes in a casual setting with a cup of coffee

What is the Process?

learn more about how we'll work collaboratively