Marketing Strategy: Power Words

Research suggests that there are “power sales words” that appeal to prospects and buyers and ultimately convince them to take action. I recently read an article posted on Manta, from Constant Contact, with a list of 50 power words. Use them on your website, email campaigns, and all marketing collateral. Here’s the list!
1. Absolutely
2. Accomplish
3. Achieve
4. Benefit
5. Best
6. Clear-cut
7. Compelling
8. Convenient
9. Critical
10. Dependable
11. Easy/Easily
12. Ensure
13. Exciting
14. Free
15. Fun
16. Guarantee/Guaranteed
17. Health/Healthy
18. How-To
19. Improve/Improved
20. Instant/Instantly
21. Love
22. Money
23. More
24. New
25. Now
26. Personalized
27. Power/Powerful
28. Private
29. Proven
30. Quality
31. Quick/Quickly
32. Results
33. Safe/Safely
34. Save
35. Secrets
36. Secure
37. Shocked/Shocking
38. Simple
39. Solution
40. Step-by-Step
41. Strong
42. Top
43. Uncover
44. Unique
45. Unleashed
46. Unlimited
47. Unlock
48. Winning
49. Yes
50. You/Your
*BONUS WORD: Using the person’s name
What Power Words do you use? At times, I use the word “Imagine”.