Workplace Professionalism: An Issue For Your Organization?

“The qualities that characterize the professional are straightforward.The challenge is that many of the behaviors and attitudes that epitomize being unprofessional are part of our culture, and in some case, daily lives.”
-2013 Professionalism in the Workplace Study
Workplace Professionalism™ was founded through the collaboration of two successful consultants and the firms they founded and dedicated to helping organizations achieve sustainable growth and success, Jacqueline Collins of Partnering for Performance, and Clare Cox of Tidemark Corporation.
About the Series
How do the most successful organizations today ensure strong performance and business success? Having a workforce with the right skills and acumen is vital. Employees communicate your brand. Professional development plays an integral role in fostering a positive brand that engages employees and customers/clients alike.
Workplace Professionalism™ is a series of professional development programs that focuses on accelerating career and business success, by teaching everything from the essentials to best practices of professionalism.
The Workplace Professionalism™ series is versatile, designed to benefit both new and experienced staff at all levels, whether they have no previous formal professionalism training, or need a refresher. Content and activities can be tailored to any organization, to ensure cultural fit and support sustainable outcomes.
The series features a range of experiential learning opportunities, including a “bootcamp” for young professionals with 0-5 years of experience; training for emerging leaders with little or no management experience; and a program that teaches how to work with millennials and a multi-generational workforce.
Areas of Focus
Personal Brand & Professional Presence | Emotional Intelligence (EQ) & Social Skills | Work Ethic | Goal Setting | Interpersonal Skills & Relationship Management | Use of Technology & Social Media | Time & Meeting Management |Teamwork & Collaboration | Adapting Situationally | Leadership | Culture & Values | Ethics & Social Responsibility
Measurable Benefits
Research studies and corporate feedback provide strong evidence that participants and organizations as a whole can reap tangible benefits from an investment in workplace professionalism training and coaching.
Improved employee performance: in quality, quantity, speed, problem solving, attitude, ethics, motivation, leadership, and communication.
Enhanced company profits: more sales and referrals, ideas and innovations, better market position, improved customer satisfaction and retention.
Improved customer satisfaction: better quality work and communication means better quality services, resulting in happier customers.
Improved employee satisfaction and retention: trained staff are happier and more likely to stay; self-esteem improves, which in turn improves morale in the workplace and loyalty to the employer.
Greater competitive advantage: attract and retain top talent and loyal customers/clients that choose your organization and brand over others.
Young Professionals Bootcamp
This signature multi-week course helps business rookies learn and apply what it takes to be ready for prime time! YP Bootcamp offers a blend of training and coaching for high potential young professionals with 0-5 years of experience. A great professional development tool and experience!
Contact us today about the innovative Workplace Professionalism™ series for your organization.